
Yes, this post really does deserve all caps and three exclamation points. Because I have them. My disc of 813 wedding photos came in the mail today, and I am so excited. They turned out great. Perfect. Brilliant, in fact, and I can't stop looking at them. 

I'm normally not this self-centered, but right now I really don't care. 
So here are just a few in no particular order. Don't ask me to pick a favorite. I love them all.

Right down to the eight hundred and thirteenth picture. 

Anonymous said...

They are all great. I especially love the one where you're leaving the church. What I love is that Jordan is all relaxed and has his hands in his pockets. So cute.

Also... What does one DO with 813 photos of one event?


Jenna Griffin | Gold & Bloom said...

Pretty!!! Those pants with "Kiss by Bumgarner" are the best!